Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Final 2008 Winter Solstice Meditation

It has been such a pleasure, joining with each other in this Global Meditation to bring Calm, Healing energy to our world culture.

Our final meditation will be at the moment of Solstice. For those of us in the Northern Hemisphere it is Winter, and those of us in the Southern Hemisphere it is Summer Solstice.

No matter where we live in the world, this is a time of New Beginnings. A time for shifting our awareness. For our final 2008 meditation we will be meditating on the energy of the heart. The heart with in each of us, as well as the harmony of our collective hearts as a group. The ability our heart has for compassion, empathy, awakening and immeasurable potential is our intention for this very special solstice meditation.

When the sun shines directly over the tropic of Capricorn. The tropic of capricorn carries an incredibly stong, supportive energy for being able to focus your intentions (goals) into physical reality. It is this energy that makes us want to set our New Years resolutions at this time of year, and we want to enter this time with our hearts beating as ONE for a new prosperity of peace, awareness, harmony, and joy to flood our planet.

The winter solstice occurs December 21 2008 at 12:04pm universal time. In Utah we move through the solstice at 5:04am MST, will do this mediation from our homes.

For our Solstice Celebration we will repeat it again Monday Evening December 22nd at 5:30pm. I hope you can join me in person Monday at the WMY Center for the meditation, some gentle Yoga and holiday cheer. The WMY Center is located at: 2230 N. University Parkway CottonTree ClockTower Suite 2E in Provo. If you plan on attending please R.S.V.P and feel free to bring a small plate of something to share.

We begin this wholehearted practice with the "Anahata" breath. Anahata is the Sanskrit word for the heart chakra. It means: "Unstruck Sound" and refers to the untaped potential of our physical, mental and spiritual heart.

This breath is done by finding your pulse and inhaling up four heart beats, followed by exhaling down four heart beats. Following the rythm of this breath will bring us together. Let your whole body be flooded with the rythm of your heart, and stay with it for as long as you can. You don't need to keep track of your heart-rate once you get the general timing.

When your heart feels open or expansive (which can be as simple as a warming sensation), on your inhale let the energy of your heart flood your brain. On your exhale let your heart energy flush through-out every cell of your body.

Please join us by posting your comments and impressions at the end of this entry. I look forward to participating together.

I will have my annual holiday gift, "Orange Rum Chakra Gingerbread Cookie", for each of you who can make it to the center. (So I make sure there are enough please R.S.V.P.)

Peace & Blessings from one "co-heart" to another.



Monday, December 8, 2008

Meditation Four-Making Space

Meditation Four is about making space in our mind for our heart, and making space in our heart for Blessings Beyond Measure.

When we create space for light, it fills that space completely. When we shut out the light, then darkness exists.

When we pull back the curtain from the window of our minds and the light floods in, the darkness does not scurry down the vents and cracks in the walls...the darkness becomes the light.

During the Winter months we have less physical light. Especially as we enter the Solstice. During this reflective time of year we find the most abundant light lives inside our own minds and hearts.

This special meditation is to make space, openness and the Light of Blessings Beyond Measure to pour though the hearts and minds of all humanity, including each one of us in our Global Group.

Meditation Four will take place on December 10th at 4:09pm. I have been wondering for some time what I would like to do for my birthday. If I could have anything I choose, it would be for each of you to join me in meditation at the hour of my birth on December 10th.

This is a mediation with no expectations, just opening, making space and allowing light to fill it.

Coincidentally, LIGHT was my first word.

To begin we will release our everyday obsessive thoughts by beginning with an eye movement meditation:

Eye Movement Meditation

Sit comfortably erect or lay in comfortable position. With eyes closed throughout the meditation. Breathe from the diaphragm, through the nostrils, silently, a soft breath and begin:

1- upper left corner of the eye sockets
Inhale, move the eyes from center, slowly, diagonally to the upper left corner of the eye sockets. Hold for brief moment at the top of breath. Exhale, relax eyes back to center.

2- upper right corner of the eye sockets
Inhale, move the eyes from center, slowly, without straining, diagonally to the upper right corner of the eye sockets. Hold softly for a moment at the top of breath. Exhale, relax eyes back to center.

3- lateral left of the eye sockets
Inhale, move the eyes from center, directly lateral left of the eye sockets. Hold for brief moment at the top of breath. Exhale, relax eyes back to center.

4-laterally right of the eye sockets
Inhale, move the eyes from center, slowly, directly laterally right of the eye sockets. Hold for a moment at the top of breath. Exhale, relax eyes back to center.

5-lower left corner of the eye sockets
Inhale, slowly, move the eyes from center, softly, diagonally to the lower left corner of the eye sockets. Hold for brief moment at the top of breath. Exhale, relax eyes back to center.

6- lower right corner of the eye sockets
Inhale, slowly, move the eyes from center, diagonally to the lower right corner of the eye sockets. Hold soft for brief moment at the top of breath. Exhale, relax eyes back to center.

7- downward toward the tip of the nose
Inhale, drop the eyes downward toward the tip of the nose. Hold at the top of the breath. Exhale, relax eyes back to center.

8- upward to the bridge of the nose
Inhale, slowly draw the eyes upward to the bridge of the nose. Softly hold... Exhale, relax eyes back to center.…Breathe softly.

Let the breath move the eyes as they draw toward the different directions, rather than lock and hold at the end of the socket movements.

This meditation will release stress from all the areas of the mind. Sit with it...Let the Mind/ Body space it opens you to fill with light. Do your best not to judge it, or lable...Just be in the light!

Breathe a relaxed breath, and stay in the space for as long as you feel comfortable.

As you come out of your meditation share your expansive space of light as you intend it out to everyone else.

It is amazing, to realize that the light from you will not dissipate when you share it...It intensifies and gives an expansive feeling outward that is Beyond Measure! Better than you could have hope for, more than you could have dreamed of...all you have to do is make the space.

It works the same way in life.